Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hola 2009!

Ok this is pathetic.
I was trying to write a silly little poem about the new year & I can't get beyond the first line (which sounded like a 3rd grader wrote it anyway.) I think I've not only lost brain cells from having children but from endless loads of laundry & dishes.
We rung in the new year by snuggling on the couch (except we didn't so much snuggle as sat next to each other...we both pulled back muscles recently.) and watching movies. Chris picked The Dark Knight & I chose Tuck Everlasting. As much as I like The Dark Night I didn't think it set the proper tone for celebrating 2009 but Chris just had to see it, then he fell asleep during my movie (which was very cute btw.) We'll be watching it again tonight so he can see what happens after the opening credits.
We've spent our first day of the new year by doing pretty much the same thing we do everyday. Cleaning..internet..laundry..internet..fighting..internet..dishes..internet..fighting over who gets to be on the internet...
You get the general idea.
So I haven't made any resolutions for this year, I never keep the dang things anyway so why bother? I really like what Dawn at BecauseISaidSo came up with though.
I have been seriously thinking about talking to my Dr about my weight. I'm about 80-90 lbs overweight & it's only getting worse. I think about exercising or cutting back on the sweets & it just sends me into scarf-everything-I-see mode. Like I know I'm going to diet soon so I better cram in all the crap food I can now. I'm tired of getting winded (and my knees protesting) going up the stairs. I'm tired of not being able to romp around with the kids much. I'm tired of seeing pics of myself & thinking "that's me? Yuck!!"
I would have to get my mom into this...we don't have enough money for WW or a gym or whatever & I think I'm going to need that outside motivation. I just don't have the willpower to do this on my own. I need someone (other than my husband) to kick me in the butt. I've become very lazy & unmotivated (dunno if that's a word but I'ma use it anyway) & I don't see myself doing what I need to do on a regular basis without that help.
I'm off to loose more brain cells do laundry.
You got any resolutions? Will you actually keep them? Do anything fabulous to welcome 2009?


you'll do just fine.

(oh yeah, 3rd grade all the way. Maybe 2nd even.)


Mari said...

We had the same kind of day today, but the house is clean and the laundry is done so I'm happy. I need to lose about the same amount of weight and have been thinking how to get myself kicked into gear too. It's such a battle!

You'll do just fine.
From me and mine,
you'll hear no whine.

And that's my third grade effort!

Kate said...

Welcome 2009
Better than '08
We're going to be fine
No, it's going to be GREAT!

Best wishes with being healthier--talking to your doc sounds good. Hopefully your mom will be on board. I would still be stuck to my couch without my running buddies. I'm definitely on your virtual cheerleading squad!!

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr