Thursday, July 17, 2008

4 year olds write the best lyrics

I was doing important research on the computer reading blogs the other day & I overheard this from the other room:

"And it goes like this:"
"bottom, bottom, bottom."
"I have a poop coming out of my bottom."
"A really cute bottom."
"I have a bottom sticking on my bottom."

(I was hoping for more but evidently the muse left him.)

Of course, he was sitting at the table while singing this lovely tune. I'm just glad we finished dinner a few minutes before his inspiration struck.

You never know what's going to come out of that kid's mouth.


Kate said...

Too bad he's too young to join my poetry club. (It's not mine so much as I'm the sponsor--the kids do all the heavy lifting and I'm there to blame if things go badly)

auntie said...


Sandra said...

LOL I know too well how these songs go, mine are obsessed with singing things like this LOL

Rebekah said...

LOL. too funny

Beth Cotell said...

I love it! Too bad you didn't get it on tape!

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